
When Is It Safe To Play Contact Sports After LASIK?
Aug 14, 2024 • All articles

When Is It Safe To Play Contact Sports After LASIK?

For people passionate about sports, especially those involving physical contact, having clear and reliable vision is paramount. LASIK eye surgery is a long‑term solution to many visual problems (including farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism), and can free you from the inconveniences of glasses and contact lenses. This can make a world of difference for people who play contact sports, not only since glasses and contacts can be a nuisance during a game but also a danger. Plus, with a typically quick recovery time, patients don’t have to wait long to get back to the activities they love, following a vision correction procedure.

Below, Greenberg LASIK in Louisville and Indianapolis explains when you can play contact sports after LASIK and how a vision correction procedure can enhance your game.

How LASIK Makes Playing Contact Sports Easier

Most visual problems are caused by an error in the way the eye bends or refracts light. If the cornea is abnormally shaped, this can cause blurry or distorted vision. But LASIK is a long‑term solution to many common vision problems, as it reshapes the corneal tissue to correct the root of the refractive error. This can reduce or even eliminate your dependency on glasses, making everyday activities simpler, including sports.

Some of the ways LASIK can enhance athletic performance, particularly in contact sports, includes:

Sharper Vision And Precision

One of the primary advantages of LASIK for athletes is that it can significantly enhance visual sharpness and precision. Athletes can benefit from enhanced contrast sensitivity, making it easier to track fast‑moving objects, anticipate the actions of opponents, and react swiftly during dynamic sports activities.

Enhanced Peripheral Vision

LASIK can broaden your field of vision, which can make a huge difference for athletes engaging in contact sports. Expanded peripheral vision allows players to be more aware of their surroundings, better anticipate opponents’ movements, and make split‑second decisions with confidence.

Can Reduce The Risk Of Injuries

LASIK can eliminate the need for visual aids like glasses and contacts, providing athletes with a clearer, unobstructed field of vision. This newfound visual freedom can not only enhance performance but also reduce the risk of injuries associated with broken or displaced eyewear during intense sporting activities.

Saves Money In The Long‑Run

Playing sports can be expensive, especially professionally. LASIK is a one‑time investment that can reduce or eliminate the recurring costs associated with glasses and contacts, including the need for special eye equipment for sports. Use our savings calculator to see how much you can save across your lifetime following a vision correction procedure.

The Recovery From LASIK Is Usually Quick

One of the many benefits of LASIK is that the recovery is usually quick and simple. Most patients are back to their normal routine within a day of the procedure. This is an important factor for athletes who can’t take too much time off from their game.

Before your procedure, our team will discuss the recommended activity schedule with you, which outlines when it’s safe to resume specific activities with and without eye protection, including different sports. Depending on the intensity and risk of harm to the eyes, the recommended waiting time to resume a sport can vary by type.

Low‑impact sports like jogging, rollerblading, tennis, baseball, casual bicycling, horseback riding, golfing, and boating can typically be resumed within three days of the procedure with no eye protection. More intense sports like hockey, basketball, football, soccer, surfing, skiing, squash, racquetball, badminton, dirt biking, mountain biking, and snowboarding usually only require eye protection for the first three days.

Some contact sports, such as boxing, wrestling, and martial arts carry a higher risk of injury, so it’s recommended patients wait at least a month before resuming. They should wear proper eye protection up until three months post‑LASIK.

During your free, initial consultation, our team will discuss in detail what you can expect from a LASIK recovery and can answer your questions about how and when it’s safe to resume a specific sport post‑procedure, including the type of eye protection you should wear.

At Greenberg LASIK, we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to our patients’ unique visual and lifestyle needs. We’ll ensure your recovery and post‑operative care gets you back into the game as quickly and safely as possible. Book a free consultation today to get on the path to clearer vision.